If it’s a Saturday or Sunday you are bound to find the Holland family rink-side ready for their next minor hockey game. Jason Holland now coaches for his 6-year-old son Max’s hockey team with the same excitement and passion he had on the ice playing professional hockey in Europe and the NHL for over two decades. After retirement Jason says a whirlwind of change came along with the transition, but it all happened at the perfect time. “I became a dad, which is incredible. We had two kids in two years, Grace and Max, and being a parent is so much fun,” says Holland.

Jason’s passion and past with hockey still weaves its way into day-to-day life at the Holland household, catching Oiler’s games with the family on a regular basis and sharing lessons…

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With chilly temperatures and snowfall blanketing our city, it can be easy to just settle in, get cozy and hibernate our way through conditions that can take up more than half of our calendar year. But as Canadians, it’s so important that we take full advantage of the beautiful communities we call home and get out and stay active during every season.

Fitness expert, Trainer and owner of SVPT Fitness & Athletics , Shara Vigeant, says it’s important to avoid inactivity during the long winter months.

“Depression, disease or chronic illness, injury and lack of independence are just a few of the risks. Moving simply makes us healthier and happier,” she says. “The longer you are inactive, the more you are putting yourself at risk for ill health and…

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